The Feasts are God’s Appointed Times of celebration with His people. The Hebrew word mow‘ed, translated as “feast" means, “appointed time, appointed place, appointed meeting.” In other words, God intended these feasts to be an “appointment” with Him.
The feasts are times for ascension; God calls us upward, inviting us to go higher with Him so that we will get to know his higher ways. They are also a “dress rehearsal” for events to come. When the Israelites were celebrating Passover, the things God told them to do were prophetic acts that symbolized Jesus’ death and resurrection. He did this so that years later, they would recognize Him. He has done the same thing with the fall feasts. They are full of prophetic acts that are meant to help us recognize the time and signs of His second coming. It is especially important for us, the end-time generation, to prepare ourselves to meet our Bridegroom when He comes again.
The goal of this section is to equip you to understand the symbols and acts the Lord ordained for these feasts so that we can correctly interpret the times and recognize the movement of God in our day. The feasts are not here to lock us into tradition, they are here to liberate us into greater intimacy with our Lord and Savior.
All feasts begin at sunset on the day listed and conclude at sunset on the end date
The story of Hanukkah is our story. It tells of an evil ruler that was trying to wipe out the nation of Israel. Through a miraculous set of circumstances, The Israelites prevailed and sought to reestablish worship in their Temple. Their faith caused them to push forward to light the menorah when they only had one vial of oil. God does another miracle that allows them to worship while more oil is being made. Join the discussion to see how this relates to us today and have your faith encour
Purim is a feast of deliverance from the antichrist spirit for an entire nation. For this reason, its story is relevant to us today. The whole world needs deliverance and redemption. But Yeshua has already made the way! Listen and be encouraged.
It's a new year! A time of awakening is upon us. Join the Signs & Seasons team to find out some things God is saying about this Feast Season.
In this video, the Signs and Seasons team discuss Redemption from the Beginning to the End, Yeshua Filfills it All. We look at how the Father set the plan of Redemption in motion at the beginning of Genesis and how that plan continues through to the book of Revelation. Then we show how Passover connects to Noah's Ark and what that has to do with us today. Our God is truly amazing in how He continues to speak through all generations and in every detail.
Double portion month! We have a leap month this year in the Hebrew calendar. It is giving us an extra month to gain new strength for the season ahead. It's giving us the chance to keep choosing JOY and being refreshed in the Father's presence. We also discuss Purim and what it means to us this year! Redemption draweth nigh!
There is a strong connection between the story of the return of the exiles building the Temple, the Jews fighting against the Greeks and cleansing the Temple at Hanukkah, and where we are now in the New Kingdom era and how God is cleaning His House and calling us to step up as mature sons and daughters. Join in the discussion.
Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement is the day Hebrews came to the temple to atone for the sins committed during the year. Year after year they had to go through this. But Yeshua atoned for ALL of our sins forevermore for all mankind. We never need to be afraid again, we only need to revere Him and His great gift.
The Feast of Trumpets begins on Tishrei 1, the Day of Firstfruits of the 7th month. It is the beginning of the Hebrew Year and it signifies an Awakening to the sound of the shofar.
This is a time of Reflection, Revelation and Repentance. God is inviting us in more! He has been telling us He wants to restore His Covenant relationship with His People. Can we hear His cry? Will we respond? Will America be saved?
This day is the 10th of Tishrei, the most holy day on the Jewish calendar. Jesus died on the Cross to forgive our sins and secure our salvation, but there is much to learn about why God instituted this holy day as something to be acknowledged throughout time.
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